Acme Bullet Company was founded in 2012 in Germantown, Wisconsin. We have acquired the inventory, equipment, proprietary bullet and box making processes and expertise. Key employees of Acme Bullet have also relocated to Frederic. We are committed to continuing the high level of quality reloading supplies and bullets for sale, customer service, and quick shipping that Acme has proudly provided since its inception.
Mitch, Kelsie and their team have over 40 years experience in the firearms industry and own and operate Coyland Creek Hunt Club and Shot Gun Willys Guns & Ammo .
We appreciate your patience and support during the transition and encourage you to contact us with any concerns.
Made in the U.S.A, Acme Bullet is committed to providing the most consistent, best quality bullets, bulk ammo, and reloading supplies for sale in the market.
With our roots in Wisconsin, our team understands the value of hard work and a job done right the first time. When you buy bullets, bulk ammo, or shotgun rounds from our supply company, you’re supporting small business and the backbone of America.
We don’t compromise when it comes to the quality of our bullets and reloading supplies for sale. If we wouldn’t shoot it ourselves, we wouldn’t sell it to you.